School Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section

Our governors wholeheartedly work with the head and deputy to lead the school’s vision. They are strongly focussed on high aspirations, equality of opportunity for all and how children are taught to live, learn and love one another together.

Governors work with school leaders as an effective team, bringing their skills and experience to their role, blending challenge and support in order to drive school improvement. They visit school for both monitoring purposes and to engage with school activities including collective worship.

In order to support the effective operation of the school, the board has established three committees to which it has delegated certain of its powers and functions. These committees are detailed below.

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

To provide the LSB with assurances of compliance with Trust, DfE, ESFA and in respect of any other applicable statutory requirements.

Quality of Education Committee

To maintain a consistent focus on checking the adequacy of the school’s safeguarding and child protection measures including the Prevent duty. To maintain a consistent focus on checking the effectiveness of the school’s development plan and the implementation and impact of the school’s curriculum.

Christian Distinctiveness Committee

To maintain a consistent focus on checking the school’s theologically rooted Christian vision and context-driven Christian values, ensuring they are the foundation of everything that the school does.


Mrs. D. Brown
Church of the Ascension C.E. Primary School
New Street
Wall Heath


Can also be contacted via the school email address :

Mrs L Mason Head Teacher 01.09.2024 – Governors Finance, Audit & Risk, Quality of Education, Christian Distinctiveness Church of the Ascension Primary School Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs D Brown Chair of Governors 06.03.2021 – 05.03.2025 School Quality of Education Safeguarding
Mr T Reynolds Vice Chair 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2026 Community Finance, Audit & Risk, Quality of Education
Father Chris Smith Foundation Governor 01.09.2024 – Diocese Ex-officio Quality of Education, Christian Distinctiveness
Mrs S Freeman Foundation Governor 20.10.2014 – 19.10.2025 Diocese Quality of Education, Christian Distinctiveness Special Educational Needs
Mrs M Green Foundation Governor 09.07.2014 – 08.07.2025 Diocese Finance, Audit & Risk, Quality of Education, Christian Distinctiveness Training
Vacant Community School
Mrs S Peters Staff Governor 01.10.2021 – 01.10.2025 Staff Quality of Education
Mr N Fox Parent Governor 01.04.2023 – 31.03.2027 Parents Quality of Education Sports Premium
Mr D Field Parent Governor 02.07.2021 - 02.07.2025 Parents Finance, Audit & Risk, Quality of Education
Community Community Finance, Audit & Risk, Quality of Education
Ms C Langford Parent Governor 02.07.2021 - 02.07.2025 Parents Finance, Audit & Risk, Quality of Education

Register of Business Interests 2021-2022

Governors attendance 2019-2020